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Out of the many interesting sessions, one was on “How
Research can Support Policy in Agriculture for Nutrition and Health in Africa”
chaired by John
Mc Dermott. The session included representatives from African Union, Ministry
of Health (Ethiopia), National Food and Nutrition Commission (Zambia) and Dr. Namukolo from IFPRI.
The first observation that surprised me; Ethiopia has a National Nutrition Strategy and Programme
since 2008. Led by the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), the program has
enabled nutrition planning across different Ministries and sectors. I am not
sure as to what extent we can credit this initiative for the decline in
prevalence of undernutrition from 56% in the year 2000 to 35% in 2014; but the
session elucidated the difficulties that policy-makers face in translating research
to workable solutions.
First, the panel highlighted the importance of sensitising
policy-makers about the implications of undernutrition using clear parameters, i.e. ‘what is the
urgency for nutrition sensitive policies’. Second, research evidences are not often
the reason for policy change, but it is the timing for policy advocacy that matters. Third, the economics of the policy, what costs
will it entail. And finally, policy changes are often influenced by perceptions
and demand of the electorate.
What do these four points mean for researchers? First of
all, is the need to clearly highlight the impact of undernutrition on
comprehendible macro level indicators (like loss to GDP,
demographic dividend etc). Second, to track the policy processes i.e. to create engagement platforms for policymakers.
Third, the financial implication which means more information on feasibility of an intended policy
change. And last, researchers also need to highlight the policy components that
can easily connect to people.
These were few important efforts that could have played a key
role in the conception of National Nutrition Programme for Ethiopia and its
sustained continuation.
Recently in India, it was reported that Ms Maneka Gandhi
(Minister for Women and Child Development, Government of India) wrote a letter to
Mr. R.V Paswan (Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution,
Government of India) to include millets
in Public Distribution System (PDS) for its nutritional benefits. Introduction
of millets in the PDS is already provided for under the National Food Security
Act. The existences of a multi-ministerial platform for tackling undernutrition
like in Ethiopia, would I feel have eased implementation of such initiatives.
The other observation was during my last few hours in
Ethiopia when I realised that the date in Ethiopia does not change at midnight
but on sunrise; i.e. 00:00am is not midnight as under global standard time but six
hours later in the early morning! This unconventional way of changing date makes
sense, but for four days I was unable to understand why clocks in Ethiopia were
showing the wrong time. Once the realisation struck me, I thought it was quite
novel and wondered if there are other countries that do likewise!
Tags: #nutrition #policy #india #ANH #ethiopia
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